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・100g Tinder Wood It comes with a pouch without leather brand tag.
・300g Tinder Wood It comes with a pouch with leather brand tag.
・1kg/1.8kg Tinder Wood to be packed by cardboard box with handy Linen made pouch plus leather brand tag

For Survival, Bushcrafting, Camping and BBQ.

Making a fire is the basic skill at any outdoor activities.

If you use simple firelights at your outdoor activity, why don’t you use this tinder wood! It will give you more fun activity!

This Tinder Wood is different from normal firelight.

Tinder Wood

The tinder wood is natural firelight from "nature pine".
Tinder Wood

The tinder wood is cut only at the part of lots of pine resin.
In Japan, the pine tree was called "Hidematsu" in Kanto area, "Koematsu" in Kansai area, "Aburamatsu" in Tohoku (northeast) area.

It was used as a light in the outdoors.

There are tinder woods shining light brown color if you look through light.
It shows the wood contains lots of pine resin.

Tinder Wood
Necessary for special work to shape like Feather if only use a fire steel.
It is easy to make fire with this feather stick even if it’s windy outside.

Feather Stick

※(We demonstrate through video)
・Make a fire with fire steel
・Make a fire with a match
・High waterproof
・No rod with pine resin

No rule for the shape of Feather Stick.

You can enjoy creating lots of different feathers.
Feather Stick
Feather Stick
Enjoy forest smell...

Feather Stick
Enjoy relaxing and good time to create feather stick.

Feather Stick

Burning time: 10-20 mins / 1 wood
Waterproof: Even if it gets wet, it works well with feather stick.
Corrosion-resistance: Not rod pine resin
No additive

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Bush Craft Inc.

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